
This page provides an overview of upgrading RDepot.

It is recommended to have a look at the Architecture page first to familiarize yourself with the RDepot components and their role.

Database backup

Before doing any version upgrade of RDepot, always create a backup first. In the container or on the host where the database is running, execute the following command (or similar):

pg_dump rdepot > rdepot_backup.sql

where rdepot is the name of the database.

To restore data in the case where an upgrade failed, execute the following command (or similar) in the container or on the host where the database is running:

psql rdepot < rdepot_backup.sql

where rdepot is the name of the database.

Automated database change management

RDepot uses Liquibase for database change management. It is configured in the application configuration (see Configuration) as follows:

    change-log: classpath:liquibase-changeLog.xml
    url: jdbc:postgresql://oa-rdepot-db:5432/rdepot
    user: rdepot
    password: mysecretpassword
    enabled: true

Make sure these settings reflect your RDepot database configuration.

If you want to disable automatic database change management (not recommended) in RDepot (through Liquibase), change the enabled property value to false.

The set of changes in the database schema are contained in liquibase-changeLog.xml and it is included in every RDepot release, starting from version 1.5.0.

Switching versions

After taking into account the previous steps, upgrading should be as simple as changing the version number in your deployment (see Deployment).