The API documentation is provided out-of-the-box by swagger-ui and springdoc-openapi.

One can configure this in the application.yaml file of the RDepot backend application (rdepot-app). By default it is configured as follows:

  pathsToMatch: /api/v2/**
    path: /v2/api-docs
    path: /docs/api.html
    disable-swagger-default-url: true
    url: /v2/api-docs
    display-query-params: true
  default-produces-media-type: application/json

The Swagger UI web application can be found on any running RDepot instance, at the following URL: http(s)://<rdepot-backend-public-url>/docs/api.html (see the springdoc.swagger-ui.path configuration parameter above).

The OpenAPI v3 specification in JSON can be found at the following URL: http(s)://<rdepot-backend-public-url>/v2/api-docs (see the springdoc.api-docs.path configuration parameter above).

Please note that changing the springdoc.swagger-ui.path and springdoc.api-docs.path configuration parameters is not supported, as they are hard-coded in the web application security filter chain to be accessible without any authentication.

One can disable the deployment of the Swagger UI web application by setting the springdoc.api-docs.enabled configuration parameter to false.

See here and here for additional information on the configuration.

Searching using query parameters

This section contains more information on the query parameters that can be used when using the API resources for searching. Each section describes a different type of resource within RDepot and the specific query parameters that are useful in that case.


Query parameter Default Multiple Method Notes
deleted false no boolean shows soft-deleted packages if true
maintainer yes exact matches on maintainer’s name
repository yes exact matches on repository name
search no contains matches on package name
submissionState ACCEPTED yes exact
technology yes exact

Package Maintainers

Query parameter Default Multiple Method Notes
deleted false no boolean shows soft-deleted package maintainers if true
repository yes exact matches on repository name
search no contains matches on package name and maintainer’s name
technology yes exact


Query parameter Default Multiple Method Notes
deleted false no boolean shows soft-deleted repositories if true
maintainer yes exact matches on maintainer’s name
name no exact
published no boolean
search no contains matches on repository name
technology yes exact

Repository Maintainers

Query parameter Default Multiple Method Notes
deleted false no boolean shows soft-deleted repository maintainers if true
resourceTechnology yes exact
search no contains matches on repository name and maintainer’s name


Query parameter Default Multiple Method Notes
active no boolean
deleted false no boolean shows soft-deleted users if true
role yes exact
search no contains matches on user’s email, login and name


Query parameter Default Multiple Method Notes
fromDate no date ISO 8601 date string
repository yes exact matches on repository name
search no contains matches on approver name, submitter name and package name
state yes exact options are ACCEPTED, WAITING, CANCELLED, REJECTED
technology yes exact
toDate no date ISO 8601 date string

Newsfeed Events

Query parameter Default Multiple Method Notes
eventType yes exact
fromDate no date ISO 8601 date string
packageName yes exact
packageVersion yes exact
repositoryName yes exact
resourceType yes exact
technology yes exact
toDate no date ISO 8601 date string
userName yes exact

Access Tokens

Query parameter Default Multiple Method Notes
active no boolean
expired no boolean
search no contains matches on name
userLogin yes exact